Travel Professional's- SPEND TIME WISELY in Crisis of Corona Virus
So, it’s all there! The Covid-19 has now become an epidemic and it’s highly affecting our Tourism Industry. While we know it’s going to be losses and the situation is certainly out of control what must one do during these days of the unwanted off seasons?
Here’s what one can do- 1) Train yourself in what you do not know We all know what we have been doing but why not learn what we so not. Simply saying if you have been handling domestic tickets now learn International ticketing. Or if you have been handling International packages learn Domestic too. A lot of time is there and if the agency is open then staff can train each other. 2) Plan for the next season Anticipating that once everything settles then tourism will be at an all time high. It will be likely that one can tab on the available promotional offers that one can think of to attract clients. Costing can be done later but thinking of potential clients and finance the next season can better. 3) Ponder upon the wrong in the past Look at whatever and wherever you have gone wrong in the past and made mistakes and if what you did was correct or not. How better it can be done. 4) Learn a new language Travel is all about knowing different cultures and the start is always by conversation. This spare time can be utilised to learn a new language and it is indeed going to be an asset in the future. 5) Search new hotels that can be a part of your packages in future We become comfortable with selling only products that we have and with the busy schedule we may not find time to look for new hotels that may be suitable to us and we overlooked it earlier. 6) Study your own packages and check what can be better A lot goes into planning a tour package and there may be updating required . Read the packages and update them if needed. 7) Destination Information Search for new attractions in the destinations you are dealing with. An add on will always be great to give to your clients 8) Study what our Competitors are offering In the times when we know there is such stiff competition we must see what our competitors are offering. We can see our shortcomings or also find something new to add in our packages. Also pricing can be studied to know the differences and can be helpful in comparison to tell the clients when needed. 9) Develop Customer Database to offer them future deals Goes without saying that we want to find the best possible for our clients. By developing a database we can choose to offer new packages according to the preferences we have noted in the database. The clients will be more than happy later with you. 10) Plan your vacation You sell what you see... Having said that, plan your own vacation . Look out for the best way to travel, what all to cover and all that you have been dreaming of. HAPPY TIMES ARE JUST AROUND THE CORNER..... BON VOYAGE